8 Reasons to Join:
What We've Done:

We’ve partnered with EduKits to make buying back-to-school supplies quick and hassle-free.

We’ve hosted a Back-to-School Meet & Greet.

We’ve worked with local restaurants to host monthly ICSAtlanta PTO Spirit Nights.

We’ve awarded teacher grants to fund projects, activities, books, equipment, and more—all to enhance the academic experience of students at ICSAtlanta.

We’ve created an online Business Directory to connect ICSAtlanta families with PTO members who own businesses.

We’ve provided gift cards for the middle school Reward Program.

We’ve provided decorations for Lunch-with-Your-Child.

We’ve stocked staff restrooms with supplies.

We’ve put on school dances.

We’ve represented ICSAtlanta in local festivals.

We’ve funded scholarships for the 8th grade field trip.

We’ve provided gift cards for all staff, and gifts for traffic control officers.

We’ve supported teachers with a “copy crew.”

We’ve run the Watch D.O.G.S. program to encourage fathers to volunteer.

We’ve paid for a fence for the outdoor classroom for the Lower Campus, outdoor picnic tables at the Upper Campus, and freezers for both campuses.