Chick-fil-a Biscuit Sale
During morning carpool at both campuses: chicken biscuits $5, butter biscuits $3
During morning carpool at both campuses: chicken biscuits $5, butter biscuits $3
Upper Campus students have reached their last school-wide reward by earning lots of points!! On Thursday, May 19th, please send in: a towel for our picnic lunch on the green space. a paper bag lunch for students to eat (everything should be able to be thrown away - no lunch boxes). a refillable water…
ICSAtlanta Upper Campus students (rising 4th through 8th grade) are invited to participate in the Reading Bowl team for the 2022-2023 school year! Students are required to read 10 books (4 are required summer reading!) and will meet weekly during the fall semester to read, discuss, and quiz each other on the books. A selected group of…
8:30-9:20 AM: German Track & French Track parents 9:30-10:20 AM: Spanish Track & Mandarin Track parents