Pop-up Used Uniform Sale!

Hembree Park - Playground 850 Hembree Rd., Roswell, GA

So many people have asked us if we still have used uniforms that we are having a pop-up sale! This Friday from 3 - 4 p.m., come to the pavilion near the playground at Hembree Park. We’ll meet you there with our extensive inventory! (Since Saturday’s sale, we have gotten three more huge bags of…

Curriculum Night: K-3rd Grade

Please keep in mind that these virtual sessions are designed for adults only, not students. You will receive an email from your child's teacher with the specific time of your curriculum night meeting. It will be 5:00 to 5:45 OR 6:00 to 6:45. You will log in to the Google Meet session through your child's ICSAtlanta account…